Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Combs Family

Wow, last night I traced the Combs family back to 1086.

The backward progression is as follows: Living in Arkansas around 1875; Kentucky from 1806-1852; Virginia 1641-1770; England 1086-1602.

I wonder what brought them to America and why?
As for Solomon Levi: so far I have not been able to find his parents; however, I did find some interesting documents related to him.

His last will and testament excluded my Great-great-great Grandma (Jenni Levi Ritchey) saying that "they have had more than an equal share of my estate."

I assume that he means her and her husband and their children.

Also, a land grant in Kentucky says that he owned 200 acres in the "CHAPTER IV GRANTS SOUTH OF GREEN RIVER (1797-1866) THE COUNTIES OF KENTUCKY."

This hobby is addictive, but fun.

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